Store Information

The Store Information section provides the basic information that appears on sales documents and in other communications.

To enter your store information:

1. On the Admin sidebar, tap Stores. Then under Settings, choose Configuration.
2. In the panel on the left under General, choose General.
3. Expand  the Store Information section, and do the following:
a. Enter the Store Name that you want to use in all communications.
b. Enter the Store Phone Number, formatted as you want it to appear.
c. In the Store Hours of Operation field, enter the hours your store is open for business. For example: Mon – Fri, 9-5, Sat 9-noon PST.
d. Select the Country where your business is located.
e. Select the Region/State with the country.
f. Enter the Store Address. If the address is long, continue the address on Store Address Line 2.
g. If applicable, enter the VAT Number of your store. To verify the number, click the Validate VAT Number button. To learn more, see: VAT ID Validation.
4. When complete, tap  Save Config .