Design Menu

Magento provides a variety of easy-to-use design options that you can use to make simple changes to your store. In addition, you will find many professionally designed themes available on Magento Connect. Like the window dressing of your store, you can change the theme for the season or for a promotion.

More advanced users appreciate the flexibility of working with an object-oriented environment that assembles pages from separate components. After you understand the basics, you’ll appreciate working in such a flexible and fluid environment. To learn more, see the Frontend Developer Guide.

簡単な変更を加えられるデザインオプションが提供されています。加えて、Magento Connectでプロデザインのテーマを探すこともできます。ショーウインドウを飾るように季節やプロモーションに合わせてテーマを変えることができます。

より詳しく学びたい場合はFrontend Developer Guideへ。


Design Menu

To display the Design menu:

On the Admin sidebar, tap Content . The Design options are part of the Content menu.

Menu Options


The Design configuration lets you easily maintain different settings for each website, store, and view in your Magento installation.


The theme determines the visual presentation of your store, and consists of a collection of layout files, template files, translation files, and skins.


Themes can be activated for a period of time, according to a schedule. Use the schedule to plan theme changes in advance for a season or promotion.